Project showcase: simulating logic gates
Here’s a little project I put together. It’s a small logic gate simulator built with Go and Raylib.
Logic Simulation
If you want to see a more flushed-out version of this idea, I highly recommend Sebastian League’s video series. In my version, you start by building a small logic network using the provided gates.
You can move the gates around and create links between them by click-and-dragging from a gate’s output socket. Gates can be removed by right-clicking on them. Switches are the inputs of the network and can be toggled later on.
Pressing enter brings you from the building screen to the simulation screen.
Here you see the input and output values of every gate. By pressing the step button, you can advance the simulation by 1 tick. Every tick the outputs of the gates are evaluated before being propagated to other gates.
The code is available on Github.
Raylib with Nix
I’m still a bit of a Nix noobie so I struggled quite a bit to get Raylib working. I eventually got these Raylib bindings to work by putting the following buildInputs
in a mkShell
buildInputs = with pkgs; [
I wasn’t brave enough to try and build the Go module the Nix way (mainly because go mod vendor
doesn’t pull all the required files from github). Calling go build
did the job just fine.
The following was also needed once I moved the main package into a subdirectory:
hardeningDisable = [ "all" ];